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Camphor Bowl F-1002
Serial Number F1002
Style Functional
Height 3.75
Width 12.5
Material Camphor
Sales price: $155.00


This bowl is turned from the Camphor tree. The camphor tree is an oriental tree that was imported for use as an ornamental. The tree that this wood came from was on property that was slated for demolition. The bowl was rough turned green and placed in the vacuum kiln dryer to remove excess moisture and help stabilize the wood. It is then placed back on the lathe and turned to the final shape. The bowl is sanded and 10+ coats of lacquer. Camphor is a fun wood to turn, it has a very strong odor while turning. Camphor coloring can range from a creamy tan to a rainbow of colors and even deep red which is almost like Rosewood.

Shipping $15.95